Hindi maaaring bawasan ng employer ang shift o sahod nang walang pahintulot.

Article Source:Foreign National Labor Rights Portal

Hindi maaaring bawasan ng employer ang shift o sahod nang walang pahintulot.

During the recent economic downturn there has been no work at the factory, and the boss unilaterally cut work hours and made deductions from our salary. He even said we only get paid if we work, is that right? That is wrong!

That is wrong!

Employers are not legally allowed to unilaterally cut the work hours of workers and certainly not make salary deductions. If such action is deemed necessary the employer must negotiate with the workers and cannot reduce salaries unilaterally. He must also guarantee that pay does not fall below the legal basic minimum wage of NT$27,470 per month.

Employers of live-in care workers are also not permitted to unilaterally make deductions from salaries. They can only do so in accordance with the labor contract both parties signed or engage in negotiations.

If you encounter any of the above situations call the 1955 Hotline for a consultation or file a complaint and ensure your rights are protected.

Article Source:Foreign National Labor Rights Portal
