Do not be deceived by health insurance scams, never share personal information.

Article Source:Foreign National Labor Rights Portal


▍Do not be deceived by health insurance scams, never share personal information.

A: A few days ago I received a strange message claiming to be from the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) with the subject “Notification of Mistaken Deduction: Refund Procedure.” It instructed me to click the link provided, but because I was suspicious I ignored it.

B: That’s good. Never open suspect mail, it could be a scam. The NHIA never contacts people by Email, text message or LINE and only official documents with an official stamp are real notifications.

A: What should I do if I receive another message?

B: You should delete the message immediately and never forward it to someone else to prevent others being deceived.

If you have related questions call the NHIA toll free (local call: 0800-030-598 / cellphone: 02-4128-678) or call the 165 Anti-Fraud Hotline. If you require an interpretation service call the 1955 Hotline for assistance.

Article Source:Foreign National Labor Rights Portal
