Always use lithium batteries safely

Article Source:Foreign National Labor Rights Portal

Always use lithium batteries safely

Although lithium batteries are small, convenient, can be recharged and reused, they also come with a certain amount of danger. When using lithium batteries always observe the following:

•Buy certified products - Purchase lithium batteries that have an inspection certification mark

•Read the instructions carefully - Be sure to read the instructions and use the battery as instructed

•Control recharging time - Do not recharge a battery for too long. Batteries that have not been used for a long time can be used after being charged to 70-80%

•Pay attention to the battery charging environment - When recharging a battery, do not place flammable materials in the immediate vicinity. If a battery shows signs of thermal expansion, stop recharging immediately

•Avoid excessive recharging - Use a battery charger with safety features, do not over charge-discharge batteries

•Avoid use in extreme environments - Ensure batteries are not severely impacted or placed under extreme pressure and do not recharge under conditions of extremely high or low temperatures

Always use lithium batteries properly so it becomes second nature, as this will greatly reduce the risk of fire and allow users to ensure the safety of their living environment

If you have any questions or require assistance, call the 1955 Hotline.
